If you wish to enlarge your penis naturally, there are 2 main things that you need to be doing.
1) Make sure you eat the right foods
2) Exercise your manhood for about 15 minutes a day
So first, let's look at your diet - You should be eating a healthy diet and keeping fatty and sugary products to the bare minimum. For the penis enlargement techniques you will learn, you need your body to be performing at optimum level. So stay away from processed foods and choose fresh food every time. Also drink plenty of water and aim for at least 2 litres a day.
The first penis enlargement technique involves grabbing your penis with both hands around the base. Then gradually pull one hand at a time to the top of your shaft. Perform this exercise numerous times a day and aim for 15-20 minutes of total "exercise time".
There are many other penis exercises and methods for you to try, but i would suggest that you act with extreme caution around other not so natural methods to enlarge your penis. Certain pills, potions, lotions and pumps will not have the desired effect and can have serious consequences on your overall health!
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