There are certain myths about how to make your penis bigger. OK, perhaps myth was a little too strong a word, however, many of the better known penis enlargement methods will not actually give you permanent gains! I guess if you knew that, you would be less likely to try and make your penis bigger using these methods. In this article I wish to discuss the ways to get a bigger penis and why I believe that exercising is the only permanent way to increase penis size naturally.
- Most guys who wish to get a bigger penis will most likely consider surgery. However, one of the least known facts about penile surgery is - It's not the actual surgical procedure that can make your penis bigger, it's what you do afterwards!
During surgery, your suspensory ligament is severed which allows the penis to drop down. Then in order to get a bigger penis, you actually need to go through some quite intensive "weight hanging" therapy. No weights = No gains!
- Penis enlargement pills seem to be the best advertised male enhancement method out there. I don't know about you, but everywhere I seem to turn I come across an advert for the next miracle pill that will naturally increase your penis size!
Well unfortunately any gains you see are once again not going to be permanent. Many of the pills have certain herbal nutrients that can help to increase blood flow, hence giving the impression of a much larger manhood. However, once the effect of the pills has worn of your blood flow will return to a normal rate. In order to make your penis bigger with pills, they should be taken in conjunction with carrying out penis enlargement exercises.
- If you want to increase penis size naturally and would like permanent gains, there is only one way to do this in my opinion. As you can see from the other 2 methods, you still need to "exercise" your manhood in some way. So why bother with potentially dangerous surgery and pills? Just cut out the middleman and go straight to exercising.
Exercising your manhood is very different from any other body workout. The gains you see will be permanent. The different exercises focus on, naturally stretching the ligaments, breaking down the cells of smooth muscle, so they come back bigger and stronger. Finally exercise will enhance the blood flow throughout your manhood making it far easier to increase your penis size naturally and permanently!
- Most guys who wish to get a bigger penis will most likely consider surgery. However, one of the least known facts about penile surgery is - It's not the actual surgical procedure that can make your penis bigger, it's what you do afterwards!
During surgery, your suspensory ligament is severed which allows the penis to drop down. Then in order to get a bigger penis, you actually need to go through some quite intensive "weight hanging" therapy. No weights = No gains!
- Penis enlargement pills seem to be the best advertised male enhancement method out there. I don't know about you, but everywhere I seem to turn I come across an advert for the next miracle pill that will naturally increase your penis size!
Well unfortunately any gains you see are once again not going to be permanent. Many of the pills have certain herbal nutrients that can help to increase blood flow, hence giving the impression of a much larger manhood. However, once the effect of the pills has worn of your blood flow will return to a normal rate. In order to make your penis bigger with pills, they should be taken in conjunction with carrying out penis enlargement exercises.
- If you want to increase penis size naturally and would like permanent gains, there is only one way to do this in my opinion. As you can see from the other 2 methods, you still need to "exercise" your manhood in some way. So why bother with potentially dangerous surgery and pills? Just cut out the middleman and go straight to exercising.
Exercising your manhood is very different from any other body workout. The gains you see will be permanent. The different exercises focus on, naturally stretching the ligaments, breaking down the cells of smooth muscle, so they come back bigger and stronger. Finally exercise will enhance the blood flow throughout your manhood making it far easier to increase your penis size naturally and permanently!